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Building a SaaS with Directus and Stripe: Part 1, design.

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    Raphaël Becanne



The "Creating a Stripe Customer with a Flow" in Part 3 of this tutorial does not work with Directus version 10.6 or higher. Before Directus version 10.6, the Run Script operation in Flows allowed us to use npm modules. Since the new version, is it not possible anymore due to the replacement of vm2 by isolated-vm. Hence, you cannot build the Stripe Customer as mentioned in this part.

I recently build for my company a new app, which is a SaaS. I used Directus as my backend for handling users, roles and posts. I used Stripe Billing to handle the payments, management of subscriptions and invoicing.

I want to share here how I built it in case it might help, since there is not a lot of information about how to build a SaaS using the combination of these two tools.

I use Next.js for my frontend, but it is not a really useful detail here. You can probably use anything.

I want to focus on 4 things in this 4-part series of posts:

  1. The design of the app [this post]
  2. The database, part 2
  3. Directus flow, part 3
  4. Stripe webhooks, part 4

I used directus version 9.18 to build it, and stripe API version "2022-08".

Table of Contents

I think it is important to describe first my choices for this app, so you can understand what I built, and if some of the information will help you.

Requirements for the app

Here are some important facts:

  1. My Customers are single individuals, and not a Company with several employees. This point has a strong impact on the design of the database.
  2. I only have one service to sell, so I have just one subscription type that can be paid monthly or annualy with a discount. I do not need several types of Customers.
  3. My Customers must be able to register on the platform without my intervention. But I want them to activate their account using a link in a mail.
  4. I do not want to create a Stripe Customer if the user account on my platform is not activated using the link in the mail.
  5. I do not want to handle the payment informations of my clients, so I let Stripe handle this part. It will have some consequences on the type of billing available.
  6. I want the trial period to start only after the Customer added her payment information in Stripe.
  7. I do not need to start billing at a particular date in a month.
  8. The app must communicate with Stripe to know when a Customer can or cannot access the app regarding her payment status. So I will tackle in this series the webhooks part in-depth.
  9. The Admins (me and my coworkers) do not need to have link with Stripe.
  10. I need to add a different VAT regarding where the customer lives in France, and I cannot use Stripe for this part (it does not handle it).

Design choices

The User/Customer part

Directus is really a great CMS since it allows you, without limitation, to have as many users' roles as you want. To tackle points 1, 2 and 9, I only needed to create a Customer role. The Admin role is associated for me to the Directus Admin role by default. In my case it is sufficient, but for people who do not trust their coworkers, I would recommand creating a new SaaSAdmin role.

I have created a subscription table that allows me to know what kind of subscription my customers have. It allows me to treat my current subscription type with two billing options as two different subscriptions. Not really useful right now, but it could be in the futur. Plus, if I create a new service inside the app linked only to one type of subscriptions, I can easily implement it in the futur.

To give an example, there is a service of digital conferences included in the subscription. I could imagine having only this service sold to people, and not the access to the rest of the platform.

To tackle point 3, I needed to add the right for a Public user to create a Customer user.

Also, I needed to send an email to my new Customers with a link so they can activate their account. In order to achieve this, I needed to have a token for my Customers to know when they activated their account, but also to allow them to interact with my API. I show the implementation of this specific point in part 3, leveraging Directus Flows.

Stripe part

I wanted to create Stripe Customers accounts only after my Customers activated their account to avoid having empty Stripe Customers. So I decided to create a Flow that would, once the validation was successful, communicate with Stripe to create a Stripe Customer and retrieve the Stripe Customer ID.

As mentioned in point 10, I also needed to have a Stripe Tax ID that could change regarding my customers' billing addresses. Here again, I decided to add a Flow to check the postal code and select the corresponding Stripe Tax ID.

For the rest of the implementation of Stripe, I decided to use the prebuilt Checkout directly. It allows to avoid dealing with the customers' financial details, and the handling of the payment process which is quite handy for several reasons:

  • First, you have to think of the legal consequences of doing so. Indeed, I am based in France, and the legislation is quite different if I manage the financial details (credit card numbers, etc.) or if I let Stripe handle it. This is a discussion I had with the lawyer who made our General Terms and Conditions of sales.
  • You do not have to lose time building something that has already been built by some experts, and you can customize it easily.
  • You do not have to handle the payment process at all, with all the 3D Secure stuff from banks.


I have to admit that there is a major problem though with using Stripe Checkout! When you use this prebuilt module, you cannot select at the same time a length for the trial period and the starting date of your billing cycle.
As mentioned in points 6 and 7, it is not an issue for me. However, if latter I want to have my billing cycle starting the first day of each month, then I will have to abandon Stripe Checkout. Maybe by the time I will change, the Stripe Checkout module will handle this case.

Finally, I wanted to handle Stripe Webhooks to know when a customer subscribed, which kind of subscription, if they paid properly, etc. So I created a custom endpoint for this part, that would, as you might expect, update my database and send the proper emails to the customers.

You can find a kick way of doing it in my post: Listen to Stripe webhooks with Directus., but I do a complete explanation in the part 4 of this series. Indeed, if Stripe is really easy to use and the documentation is really great, I found it a little blurry when it comes to handling webhooks.

Database part

I took some inspiration for the database part looking at the app and how they handle the Stripe relation.

I will have four tables:

  • customer_details with some billing details for my customers (name, address, etc.) to avoid modifying the directus_users table.
  • customer_subscriptions with the details of the type of subscription Customers picked, the dates of trial's end, billing periods, etc.
  • subscription_items with the informations regarding my subscriptions (price, stripe product ID, etc.)
  • stripe_tax with informations regarding taxes I need to add to my customers. Since I am in France, I needed to manage different level of VAT regarding the location of my Customers.